The Strong Interest Inventory
Career Assessment
The Strong Interest Inventory assessment offers a comprehensive insight into a student's interests, enabling them to explore potential career options, their educational path, and the world of work. Based on psychologist John Holland's theory, the assessment has over 80 years of research supporting its effectiveness in identifying the employment patterns of people with similar interests and what motivates them in the workplace. As a result, it provides effective and powerful results that can contribute to a student's success.
What It Measures
The Strong Interest Inventory identifies a student's work personality by exploring their interests in six broad areas: realistic, artistic, investigative, social, enterprising, and conventional (often referred to as RIASEC). The RIASEC areas are further broken into 30 specific areas of interest directly related to fields of study, careers, and leisure activities. It also describes a student's personal style preferences in five areas - work style, learning environment, team orientation, leadership style, and risk-taking.
How It's Tested
The assessment consists of a 291 multiple-choice questionnaire that typically takes about 35-40 minutes to complete. Waypoint's Steve Colley, a certified consultant through the Myers-Briggs Company, administers the assessment and conducts the interpretation with the student.
How It's Scored
The multiple-choice questions ask a series of over 280 job scenarios (for example, "working with abstract ideas"), and each has five options ranging from Strongly Like to Strongly Dislike. Based on extensive research and data, a student will be given a General Occupational Theme, Basic Interest Scales, and Personal Style Scales. It will also rank the student's top 5 or 10 most compatible occupations and explain the patterns of choices and why they matched with different types of jobs.
How It's Administered
Take the
Strong Interest Inventory
Online Assessment
Computer (not on phone)
291 multiple choice questions
30-45 minutes
Customized Reports
SII Profile Report
"Where Do I Go Next" booklet
RIASEC Hexagon Worksheet
Interactive SII - O*Net Career Exploration Tool
One-On-One Feedback Session
Meet with Certified SII Consultant
1 Hour Feedback Session
Results Debriefed
Identify Key Patterns
Identify top jobs and environments that are a good fit